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SlimDrivers Download

Publisher: SlimWare Utilities

SlimDrivers is a tool by which people would be able to get the facility of driver updating & managing. The program automatically updates the drivers by scanning them in real-time.

What is SlimDrivers used for?

It is really great to have software that will find the outdated drivers & update them when needed. SlimDrivers is that program that does this job perfectly. This program also finds the broken drivers & fixes them if possible.


Optimizing the PC

This tool can improve the computer’s actions, function & user accessibility. With this program, people can easily get the newest drivers.

Better control 

With the help of this program, people could get control of multiple drivers on the computer. They can update or fix drivers whenever they want.


If users want to protect their drivers from file corruption then this software will give you the facility to backup the files & store them in a secure place. There the file will be safe from viruses & malware.


The recovery option will help the users to get back those files that have been damaged. The users could be able to get the files from the previous backup. Users can access this function on the main menu.


After installing this program on a PC, the program will start scanning for outdated drivers, and corrupted files. If this program finds any of these then it will take the necessary steps.

How to install SlimDrivers?

Here the necessary steps are given below:

System requirements for SlimDrivers



FAQ’s on SlimDrivers

Is SlimDrivers free?

Yes, SlimDrivers is totally free software that scans the computer u0026amp; updates drivers.

Is DriverUpdate by swimwear safe?

Well, Yes. DriverUpdate by slipware is safe u0026amp; secure as well. It usually takes care of users’ system problems u0026amp; updates the drivers.

What is SlimDrivers?

SlimDrivers is a kind of cloud-based program that is used for scanning PC in real-time u0026amp; it also finds outdated drivers for updating them.

Is Slimware a part of Microsoft?

No, it is not a program of Microsoft. It is from different developers.

How do I get rid of Slimware?

To get rid of slipware, at first, we need to open the control panel software u0026amp; then navigate to the features u0026amp; tools section. Then we should right-press the Slimware drivers update tools u0026amp; press u0022Uninstallu0022. After that press yes for permitting changes in the device u0026amp; then we must do instructions which will be displayed.

What do Slimware drivers update cost?

Well, if the users wish to have a single license then it may cost about $29.97 per year. If users want three licenses at a time then it will cost $39.92. It will allow the users to get the newest drivers with just one press.

Our take on it

SlimDrivers is software by which one can update their drivers instantly. You don’t have to do any work to run this program, it can just do its job with just one tap. So it won’t be wrong if we say that it is a great choice for Windows users.

Should I download it?

Well, If you are a Windows user then you can download this program. It comes with some useful features & it also automatically updates the drivers that need to be updated.

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