How Do Computer Games Impact Academic Success?


It is popularly believed in society that computer games are rather harmful than useful. It is considered that special damage is being done to psychological health and learning. No matter how! Recent studies show that many games help develop both special and general abilities, pump flexibility, and team skills. Let’s find out if this is true, how computer games actually help to learn, and what needs to be done to use their potential.

Single-player games are better for learning than multiplayer games

Scholars of international test work to assess reading skills and mathematical ability. Those who played multiplayer games every day had lower reading rates than everyone else. Later, the data of this study were checked several times, and scientists again came to similar results. It was also found that those who played single-player games completed business law paper tasks faster than those who did not play at all. Perhaps those who play single-player games should focus more on the story and the flow of the game, they are not distracted by teammates, they need to read more, and not listen to the screams in the headphones.

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Video games help improve memory and attention

Researchers at the University of California looked at the difference in performance between those who played educational games like Math Blaster and regular action games. First, it turned out that those who play action games had lower grades than other children. Secondly, it turned out that those who played educational games improved their working memory and processing speed. However, scientists believe that these skills may be specific – that is, they are associated only with games and are difficult to transfer to other areas of life.

Other studies have shown that action games also have a positive effect. For example, those who play shooters every day improve the stability and selectivity of attention. This seems to be due to the fact that the player needs to pay attention to all the enemies that appear in front of him and he must be able to focus on the enemy without being distracted by other irritants. Those who struggle with attention and focus can use essay service to complete tasks for which there is not enough motivation.

Games of different genres develop different skills

This was obvious even before the research – people with different mindsets play in strategy, shooters and simulators, but now this has been proven by facts. In a 2013 study, it was shown that shooter players have more developed spatial thinking, and at the level of those who took special courses. Scientists have had plans to include video games in the curriculum of architects and engineers, but it is not yet known whether they materialized.

Development of motivation and achievements

Another plus of the games is that they are aimed at progressive complication, and therefore at achievement motivation. It is far from always possible to pass the level the first time, but the child learns to overcome difficulties, trying to cope with the task again and again. Isn’t that a positive character trait? It is highly likely that, faced with a complex mathematical example, he will not immediately raise his “paws up”, resigned to failure, but will look for a solution.

The game is a good platform for perseverance and ingenuity because some games are fraught with hundreds of mysteries. You can just go through the game, or you can look for keys and treasures, magic items, and artifacts. To get to all of the above, sometimes you have to pretty rack your brains. But in the end, for his achievement, the player receives a solid reward in the game and pride in his “skills” (reaction, attention, logic) in reality. If you’re serious about motivating your child, keep a success diary.

Is it effective to learn through play?

It all depends on what the teacher’s goal is. Games help develop teamwork, strategic thinking, negotiation skills, and mentorship. Participants can also practice how to give and receive feedback. If we are talking about the game, then we mean that we are talking primarily about the development of soft skills, “soft skills”, such as business communication, teamwork, and organization of activities.

It is more difficult to use games to develop professional skills, and technical competencies that a specialist acquires independently, gaining experience. Although there are games for hard skills: for example, the project management business game Farm PROject. But in general, it is not always possible to apply the game format. We cannot leave only an entertaining form of education.


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